Monday, March 1, 2010

Rose's New Brood

Rose is my favourite pig. Out of the lot, I just find her soooo attractive with her huge black eyes, wide even crest and Roman nose (nicely rounded, not pointy).

She has a strong personality and yet she comes across as so dignified and elegant.

Anyway, I mated her with my Silver Agouti Abyssinian, Abigail.

The pairing did not disappoint!

Rose gave birth to four babies early this morning! One was stillborn :( The other three are so regal looking - they look like they will grow into delightful looking show pigs.

Two are crested and one is a smooth-hair. A grey and cream crested appears, at this early stage, to be a boy. The other two, a Crested cream Agouti and Smooth Coat cream and grey, appear to be females.

I am thinking it worthwhile to keep one myself. We'll see ...

What's interesting is how Midge, the oldest mum in the Mansion cage, is looking after the new babies. She's taken them under her belly to keep warm, and seems to fuss over them much more than Rose does when I open the cage lid to peek.

I have researched about this and found out some females share responsibility of the offspring amongst the group, even sharing the nursing. I think this may be the case here. I have no males in the Mansion at the moment, so the home is quite a peaceful, happy creche.

I hope Rose is ok. She is quite messy on her rear, but I can't see evidence of post-partum bleeding. Fingers crossed! She's acting a tad more skittish but is eating and grazing and behaving as per usual.

These babies will be ready to wean in four weeks - 30 March,  2010.

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